live video of CPR improv comedy (sorry, the quality isn't that good)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sin discussion

Last Friday (8/31/07) we had a general talk of what sin is. It's all over the Bible. This is a topic that could be studied for several weeks. But we just focused on a few points on what sin is and how we should deal with it in our lives today.

We jumped around a bit. The first Scripture we looked at is in I John 1:8-9. First, we have to admit there's a problem. If we think we don't have sin in us then we're just fooling ourselves. It also says we make 'him" (Jesus) to be a liar. We must accept the truth that sin is in everyone. We must recognize that and confess it to God.

Proverbs 28:13 continues what it says in part in the first Scripture. We cannot try and hide our sins from God. That's human nature to make a mistake and try to hide it. Plus we cannot hide them from God. He knows them anyway. We must confess them to God and ask for forgiveness. That way, we can take steps to avoid doing them again. Otherwise, we won't make any progress overcoming our sins and avoiding them with Christ's help.

The great thing about confessing our sins is that God wants to forgive us! And when He does, He forgets about them! Incredible. He does not hold a grudge against us which is a very big human tendency. We then listened to a song that speaks exactly about this. The song is called "Ocean Floor" and it's by Audio Adrenaline, who unfortunately just recently retired.

Proverbs 5:22-23 offers more great wisdom regarding sin. If we are not careful, sin can take a strong hold on us and capture us. It will lead us to our deaths. We will no longer be productive Christians here on this earth as Satan will have a hold on us, and therefore, no longer worried about us bringing glory to God and spreading the Good News.

This is a battle. Romans 7:15-25 makes that clear. We want to do good. Our spirit wants to do good. But our flesh is weak and gives way to sin. Just as we do good, it is the Holy Spirit in us doing good- all glory to God. But when we do wrong, it is the sin in us doing it and we must battle against it.

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