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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Where is God in the hard times? (devotional)

Do you ever feel like He is not there? We explored this issue a bit last Friday (12/28/07). Peter and the other disciples and followers of Jesus felt that... literally. When Jesus Christ said he would return and restore the kingdom of Israel, everyone else was thinking during their lifetime. Days, months, and years passed. Nothing. Where is He?!?!

We took a look at 2 Peter 3 to discuss this. Peter quotes the doubters in verse 4 when he says "everything goes on as it has." There is quite a bit of sarcasm and disbelief even from those that were there to witness the crucifixion or able to hear first-hand accounts. And if they started to doubt, imagine how that can stockpile 2000 or so years later. Winn Collier wrote in Deeper Walk that each generation has seen its plague, war, disaster, etc. Has everything really been the same since the time of creation?

Hopefully Peter's words can bring us back to hope, as they probably did to whom he was directly speaking to. God's Word created everything, even the earth from the waters. It will be preserved until the time of judgment, when Jesus comes back. And since creation, God has been working. He never stopped. If God did stop, evil would have wiped us out a long time ago.

We have to remember how time works for God. "A day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day." Even when life is going terrible for us, there is a grander story going on that is still being written to this day. I know remembering that is what we want to do least when tragedy hits us. But God is always working goodness in every moment.

My prayer is for us to put all of our trust into God, even during the hard times.

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