live video of CPR improv comedy (sorry, the quality isn't that good)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Being part of a team

This past Sunday (8/5/07) marks the first of five Sundays that we are adding another class in the morning. In place of Chinese class there will be a film discussion time. For the first time doing this, I focused on unity and being part of a team, using clips from Stomp the Yard and Coach Carter. Here is what we did:

Being Part of a Team/ Mending divisions

Stomp the Yard- Chapter 19 (mid)- Time 1:06:15-1:11:11
Theta Nu Thetas have been practicing hard for the national step competition for over two weeks now with little results to show. Here the main character, DJ, leads the new recruits of Theta Nu Theta in some new stepping moves that combines hip hop with traditional step moves. He trying to get the point across that their moves and body types shouldn't have to fit step. Step should fit their natural rhythm. This angers the leader and it turns into a battle between the upper classmen (prophytes) and the new recruits (neophytes). However, DJ deviates from the new steps he planned with the rest of the neophytes and they end up losing. "It's not always about you," one of the guys tells DJ. This leads DJ to approach the whole fraternity and apologize. "I just want to be part of the team." In addition, the leader of the Thetas asks DJ for help with teaching some hip-hop based moves to help the team at nationals. The importance of team over the individual is a concept that runs throughout the whole movie.

Questions: 1. Has there been a time you wanted to show off (big or small crowd)? Was it for the right motives?
2. DJ took courage and apologized to the whole team. Do you find it hard to humble yourself for the betterment of the team?
3. Is there a time that you were a part of or witnessed differences in opinion or method being resolved and it worked out for the better for both sides?

Scripture: I Cor 3:1-9

1. As the body of Christ we are all part of a team. Has that ever crossed your mind?
2. Paul calls jealousy and quarreling, which cause the divisions, "worldly." Think of an experience on a team you've had where there were divisions and share. Were the reasons serious enough to cause divisions? Were they helpful or make the team better in any way?
3. What divisions do you know of that are going on in the church at large right now? Are the reasons for the divisions good or help the body of Christ in any way?

Unity/ One Happens to One Happens to All

Coach Carter (PG-13)- beg Ch. 7 32:41-36:08; Ch. 8 (mid) 40:55-43:23
Earlier in the movie, Timo Cruz attacks Coach Carter. After Richmond wins their first game, Cruz wants to be back on the team. However, for his past actions, Coach Carter punishes him with 2500 pushups and 1000 suicides within a week. At the end of the week, despite hours of hard work, Cruz is short and Carter asks him to leave the gym. Then Lyle steps up and says he will help finish because "if one player suffers, the whole team suffers." The rest of the team fills in as well to get Cruz back on.

1. What did you think of Coach Carter's punishment? Was it fair?
2. Was it possible for one person to complete all of that in the time given?
3. Do you think it was hard for Lyle to step up and help Cruz?

Scripture: I Cor 12:12-26 (esp. verses 25-26)

1. Scripture tells us that we, as Christians, are part of a whole body. Do you believe that?
2. The words in this scene are almost exactly from verse 26. How do you think this applies to the body of Christ?
3. Have you stepped up to help someone like Lyle did for Cruz? What happened? What was the result?

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