live video of CPR improv comedy (sorry, the quality isn't that good)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Miracle pt 2

On Sunday, August 19th, I was still gone on vacation. Students watched the remainder of Miracle, about the 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey team upset over the Russian team. This past Sunday (8/26) we discussed a couple more scenes.

Staying Focused on the Prize/Working Hard/Unity

Miracle- Chapter 7- Time 38:45-46:54
Shortly into training, the USA team travels to Europe to play the Norwegian team, a mediocre team. They end up tying them because they slack off (and check out girls in the stands). This infuriates Coach Herb, who puts the team on the line and skates them again...and again. In between he gives bits and pieces of why they needed to focus. The concept of playing for the team/country is much more important than any of the individual components.

1) Is the Herbie scene hard to take? Was Coach Herb too hard on his players?
2) Have you ever been part of a team where you felt the whole group was more important than each individual?
3) Do you agree when he says that "common men go nowhere. You have to be uncommon?"

SCRIPTURE Philippians 3:12-14

1) Has being a Christian ever felt like running a race to you?
2) What is the end prize for Christians?
3) How can you be uncommon as a Christian?


Miracle- Chapter 9 (mid)- Time 55:40-, 59:11-1:03:05
Coach Herb brings in another player, Timmy Harrer, into an already tight roster. At this point, another player still needs to be cut as it is to get down to the 20 player 1980 Olympic rules. Some of the players gather together to talk with Coach Herb about it after they play the NHL All-Stars to express that it is unfair "with one of us going home as it is." Coach Herb backs up his decision to bringing Harrer in by stating his skills as a hockey player. But that's not the point. Harrer hasn't been playing with the team from the beginning. The teammates have become a family. As a result, Coach Herb tells the players that Timmy will just help them out, and then he'll send him home.

1) Have you ever been cut from a team or group? How did that make you feel?
2) How do you think the players felt about this- adding another player when one still had to be cut? How can we view it from the coach's perspective?
3) Have you ever felt close enough to other members of a group or team like this 1980 U.S. Hockey team?

SCRIPTURE I Corinthians 12:12-30

1) How does the body of Christ need to be close like a team that has become a "family"?
2) Which body parts to you seem weaker (v. 22)?
3) Do you see what your role in this body is?

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