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Friday, September 7, 2007

Jacob and Esau part 3

Just trying to plow through more of this story. I think it's interesting to see where biblical characters end up during their faith journeys. We went through Genesis 29-31 that Sunday morning, 9/2/07.

At the beginning of Genesis 29 we find Jacob arriving in Paddan Aram. He finds his mother, Rebekah's, brother, Laban, first by finding his daughter, Rachel. Jacob stays and works for Laban for Rachel's hand in marriage. Usually a husband provides a substantial financial gift to the bride's family for taking her out of her parents' home. Since Jacob doesn't have much money, he decides to work for 7 years instead. Here's the trick: after the 7 years, Jacob asks for Rachel's hand in marriage, but somehow, Laban secretly gives him his older daughter, Leah, in marriage. How this happens and Jacob doesn't know is a mystery. Maybe Jacob was too drunk too realize. We don't know. So Jacob decides to work another 7 years for Rachel's hand in marriage. It's funny that the man who deceived so well earlier in his life, is now being deceived by his uncle.

After that is the bearing children competition between Leah and Rachel. Jacob simply loved Rachel right from the start. But when Leah started having children and not Rachel, she got jealous. So after multiple children with 3 mothers: Leah, her maidservant Zilpah, and Rachel's maidservant, Bilhah, God finally granted children to Rachel. There is a lesson we can learn here. Rachel got jealous over Leah when she started bearing children. But Jacob's love and devotion to Rachel did not depend on her having children. Jacob just loved her. Similarly, God just loves us as we are, regardless of our abilities and good deeds.

Then Jacob decides to leave Laban. The Lord blessed Laban while Jacob was around by greatly increasing his flock. Jacob made an arrangement with Laban to take the spotted or speckled goats and dark-colored lambs. He also did some nonsense trick that the last offspring born before Jacob left would be streaked, spotted, or speckled. He only did this with the strong animals. The point is that the Lord was with Jacob and provided him a strong flock.

In Genesis 31, Jacob flees with his family and livestock. Laban pursues him. After finally meeting up and talking about it, they made peace. They ate together, spent the night, and then parted ways.